
Office of Puntland Human Rights Defender

The office was established on 27th November 2014, pursuant to the Puntland State Constitution, Human Rights Defender Act of 2011 and the International Human Rights law and Guiding Principles (Paris Principles). The establishment of the office did not spring from a vacuum, or came due to the impulse of circumstances, but rather it was as a result of collective demands of the Puntland people, and a long process of evaluation that was realized thoughts and  concerted efforts undertaken by the various concerned parties of national and international.

The OPHRD is mandated to observe constitutional and legal rights as well as advocate human rights issues at Puntland State particular, and Somalia at large. The office is committed to the protection, respect and the promotion of human rights for everyone. Human rights are the basic rights that everyone has, simply because they are human.

What we do

Office Brief Introduction

The primary focus of OPHRD is to strengthen the extension of human rights to all sections of society and empower them to raise their voices to be heard, in particular, the vulnerable groups.  As it is obvious to everyone, the institutional and individual transformation is not enough to expose and protest injustice,  but the requirement is to advocate for creation of enabling environment and policy solutions necessary to ensure consistent observance, respect and defend for human rights in Puntland through institutional and legal advocacy for  all community segments as well as government tiers.

This calls for collective actions and complementary interventions through co-owned strategic partnership at bottom up right-based approach. In this regard, OPHRD invites concerned institutions and individuals to play their respective prominent roles in the collective engagement of advocacy and raising awareness on legal and constitutional rights for Puntland people and their government interlocutors.


Latest Events


Xafiiska Difaacaha oo hoggaamiyay kormeerka u kuur-gelidda xaaladda goobaha dadka lagu xiro ee Puntland – Sawirro

Garowe,  11 Oktoobar, 2020 – Difaacaha Xuquuqda Aadanaha Puntland Siciid Cabdi Muumin ayaa hoggaamiyay wefdi isugu jira guddiyada Xuquuqda Aadanaha, Shuruucda iyo Caddaaladda iyo Anshaxa iyo Arrimaha Golaha ee Baarlamanka Puntland, kuwaas<a class="moretag" href="https://ophrd.pl.so/xafiiska-difaacaha-oo-hoggaamiyay-kormeerka-u-kuur-gelidda-xaaladda-goobaha-dadka-lagu-xiro-ee-puntland-sawirro/">Read More...</a>
By : Puntland Human Rights Defender | Oct 11, 2020

Xafiiska Difaacaha Xuquuqda Aadanaha oo gogosha maxaabiista siiyay Xabsiga weyn ee Boosaso – Sawirro

Bosaso – Xafiiska Difaacaha Xuquuqda Aadanaha Puntland oo taageero ka helay hay’adda  UNDP ayaa ku wareejiyay maamulka Xabsiga weyn ee magaalada Boosaso agabka jiifka ee loogu tala-galay in lagu maareeyo maxaabiista xilligan<a class="moretag" href="https://ophrd.pl.so/xafiiska-difaacaha-xuquuqda-aadanaha-oo-gogosha-maxaabiista-siiyay-xabsiga-weyn-ee-boosaso-sawirro/">Read More...</a>
By : Puntland Human Rights Defender | Sep 20, 2020

Hawl-wadeennada xafiiska Garowe oo dhamaystay tababar saddex cisho – Sawirro

Garowe, 1 Sibtembar, 2020 – Tababar muddo sadde cisho ah  socday hawl-wadeennada xafiiska Difaacaha Xuquuqda Aadanaha Puntland ayaa soo idlaaday gelinkii dambe ee Talaadada. Tababarkan oo ay bixinayeen khuburo dhinaca maamulka iyo<a class="moretag" href="https://ophrd.pl.so/hawl-wadeennada-xafiiska-garowe-oo-dhamaystay-tababar-saddex-cisho-sawirro/">Read More...</a>

Difaacaha oo kormeeray agab muhiim ahna ku wareejiyay xabsiga weyn ee Garowe – Sawirro

Garowe – Difaacaha Xuquuqda Aadanaha Puntland Avv. Siciid Cabdi Muumin ayaa Isniintii xabsiga weyn ee Garowe kaga qayb-galay munaasabad weyn oo xafiisku qaban-qaabiyay taas oo isugu jirtay agab ku wareejin xabsiga iyo<a class="moretag" href="https://ophrd.pl.so/difaacaha-oo-kormeeray-agab-muhiim-ahna-ku-wareejiyay-xabsiga-weyn-ee-garowe-sawirro/">Read More...</a>
By : Puntland Human Rights Defender | Aug 19, 2020

Difaacaha cusub ee Xuquuqda Aadanaha Puntland oo xilka la wareegay – Sawirro

GAROWE, 27 luulyo, 2020 – Munaasabadda uu xilka kula wareegay Difaacaha cusub ee Xuquuqda Aadanaha Avv. Siciid Cabdi Muumin ayaa ka dhacday Xafiiska Difaacaha waxaana ka qayb-galay Wasiirka Caddaaladda, Wasiir Dawlaha madaxtooyadda,<a class="moretag" href="https://ophrd.pl.so/difaacaha-cusub-ee-xuquuqda-aadanaha-puntland-oo-xilka-la-wareegay-sawirro/">Read More...</a>
By : Puntland Human Rights Defender | Jul 29, 2020

Xafiiska Difaacaha iyo Bulshada Rayidka ah oo wadajir ugu qareemay maxaabiista qaanta u xiran – Sawirro

Xafiiska Difaacaha iyo dalladda daneeyayayaasha aan dowliga ahayn ee PUNSAA ayaa wadajir u qaban-qaabiyay kulan loogu qareemayo maxaabiista xabsiyada Puntland ee qaanta u xiran isla markaasna awooddi waayay in ay iska gudaan.<a class="moretag" href="https://ophrd.pl.so/xafiiska-difaacaha-iyo-bulshada-rayidka-ah-oo-wadajir-ugu-qareemay-maxaabiista-qaanta-u-xiran-sawirro/">Read More...</a>
By : Puntland Human Rights Defender | Mar 18, 2020


The aim is to engage all partners (including community-based institutions, government tiers, human rights supportive institutions) into strategic partnership to achieve an informed dialogue on constitutional rights through facilitation and information dissemination to improve human rights situations in Puntland and Somalia at large our office would greatly appreciate any cooperation in human rights protection efforts.


A society that where human dignity is protected by law and everyone is aware of their rights


To ensure every one in Puntland has their rights protected, respected and observed